Thursday, March 31, 2011


Recuperation? ahahaha not a very precise word..
It's more like i'm so darn busy studying? (NO WAY)
Okay! I admit it! I was so out of inspiration for all these months! 'kay?
(more like lazy ;P) Don't blame me. It's hard to think of anything to write.
I don't know why, but I AM SO INTO Black Cat this few weeks. :P
Especially Mr. Train-kun~ ahahaha~
He is like, TOTALLY awesome I tell you! :P
And he is super FUNNY :D
Okay enough with this fan girl stuffs.
I don't know why, but i'm having this super headache for a super long time. (4 days)
And I think it's causing nauseas. I almost vomited his morning during assembly.
This totally sucks. And y'know what, every step i take, the worser the pain becomes.
Especially when i wake up. And then it lightens during the night.
And when I wake up the next day, it worsens.
The End. Dx