Tuesday, September 28, 2010

PMR is just like any other exams to me...

haiz... exams exams exams... thinking about it also makes me sick! I just feel like stuffing my mouth full of prawns then I'll get a terrible rash so I won't need to got to school~ Muahahahahaha~
Ah anyway, I'm gonna face a very important. yes, very important exam next week. I've been thinking about it for the pass few days.. CAN THAT DAY COME FASTER???? I'm already bored thinkin' that i'm gonna have an important exam next week!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhh!
Well actually, i think of this very IMPORTANT exam as an ordinary exam. just like other exams... mid- year exams or what, they're the same. You're just putting what you have learn this 3 years in to the examination hall, that's all. why work yourself up? stay late at night, and burn the midnight oil?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Y'know, Today is the happiest moment of my life! (or yesterday?) y'know why? 'cause I finished playing the game Final Fantasy VII: Dirge Of Cerberus! MuahahaahahahaahAaaAhAA~ You can think-- WHATT? What's so exciting about finishing a game? I dunno... I always feel happy when I finished a game SINGLE HANDED-LY MUAhAHaaHAA~ But I'm kinda surprised though.. The game was kinda short... The time taken for me to complete the game was like about 19:46 like this, but i got a D for that! WHAT? D?! my total ranking for the whole game was a B.. *kinda dissapointed* Ahaha~ who cares anyway?! (I do)
Mr.Vincent Valentine

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Nothing interesting. REALLY.

Not even the first day of the holiday and i'm already bored. *YAWN* Really damn boring..... Nothing to do... Study? Nah didn't feel like studying.sleep? I woke up at 11.00am. New record.. i always wake up at 2.00 something pm on sundays... Play? yup~ i played PS this afternoon. Final Fantasy VI: Dirge of Cerberus. Real difficult, i say. 'cause the main player is Vincent Valentine, which uses a gun, and the controls are so confusing... I'm still use to using a sword, which is pressing the X button all the way... not like controlling a gun, which you have to press R1 to shoot, left analog stick to control the movements, and the right analog stick to control the camera... And the worst thing is, if you are out of ammo, you are dead... THE SWORD'S SO MUCH BETTER! SE! Why didn't you guys make Vincent carry a sword? Just like CLOUD? OR SQUALL? OR LIGHTNING? OR NOCTIS? And not a GUN?? T.T
Vincent Valentine and his gun, Cerberus

Saturday, September 4, 2010

HOLIDAY! I am not happy to see you

NOOO~~~ the holidays! they are here! And why am I so frustrated about the holidays being here while other people are so happy? that is because after this two week long (not exactly long) finishes, the public exams will be here~ and that will be HELL for me! NOOO~~~ I wish i can go back to the past, and stay in the past forever! NO EXAMS, how i wish i could.. *audience whacks Yuu and says: Just go and face the exam okay?! you keep on bla-ing here bla-ing about going back to the pat is totally imposible okay?! stuuupid~ * I'm NOT STUPID OKAY?? ISH! Just GO AWAY! Why must you guys keep complaining on everything I write? You guys are even worst in my chinese blog (http://yuuxteenagelifexnonsense.spaces.live.com) ERmm.. sorry for the disturbance~ hehe BYEBYE~