Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I want to cry already... ToT

Save me!!! I really want to die liao lo!
my cousin really siao wan lo! she come to my house to stay for one week mar... and i think she is really hyperactive leh! the whole day jump here jump there non-stop~ she alone jump here jump there can lar... but she keep on drag me and make me like do some " childish?" stunts! I really want to cry ready la!! T^T *sniff* when i say i don't want to play liao, she turns like this.... Then earlier she draw a picture for me. she say the girl in the picture is her wearing some "tiara" on her head and some lacy dress or something like this..... >>> *speechless*

Sunday, June 27, 2010

My uncle is coming.....

My uncle is coming tomorrow with his wife (my aunt) and his daughter (my cousin? i never met her before...) for 1 week. So my dad, took one week off.... and so that means, NO SPONGEBOB and INTERNET (the whole day) for ME!!! it's the same as torturing me for 1 whole week!!! NOOOO..... *crying*

Friday, June 25, 2010

Chinese Society Singing Competition

'What's on today?' i kept asking my friends. 'Nothing.' my friend answered. 'OoooKkkkk... thanks anyway.' i answered. Rinngggg...... *the beautiful melody from the school bell* When I was walking out of the school, i saw a GUY carrying a GUITAR and another GUY carrying a KEYBOARD. "O.O something must be on. Chinese Society Singing Competition?" I went and find Kah Wen and Yanlin and blablabla *spare the details.* and it started. 1st it was some form 3 form 4 guys who perform. They danced one of my favourite songs.... 羅志祥的撐腰~! Damn funny weh~ then after like 4 mins like this later, it's SINGING TIME! The contestants sing, sing, sing, then the judges judge, judge, judge, and we shout, clap, shout, clap...... then when it was the judging time, the two emcees damn funny wan~ 1 of them are wearing a shirt with two big words saying 好人,and the other one 壞人.. ==" then when they wanted to sing, the judges said they were done with the discuss-ting the winner. But at that time, the rain started to pour.... WHO CARES? the judges sang a few songs and the 最帥的 judge played the keyboard. Damn hell cool weh! the judges singing was nice too..... after singing and bla bla bla, the winner was announced. it was Tzer Yee's sis, Tzer Yen! last years singing competition was won by Tzer Yee and now by Tzer Yan.... wow. then after giving out prizes, they had a special performance performed by Tzer Yee~ 超好聽的。。。 really! and then, 1 of the judges took out his camera and turn back at us. ( me and Kah wen) 他還向我們擺了一個 peace 的 pose.... ==" i just smiled back at him.... after a few blablabla's.. the competition has finished! And we went home. THE END.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


hahaha~~ I damn happy le~!
i got 5A's for my exam! Actually i didn't expect to get 5A's... 'cause when my sejarah teacher is discussing the question paper, i damn wrong a lot of question.... then when teacher discuss finish already, I got only 44/60 questions correct.... and i need 45/60 questions to get an damn A. i was like WHAT THE ****?! only 1 more question?! at that time my head was really blank.... I just sit there while everybody when and check their marks.... I laugh, like a mad person.
No tears, though.
Then suddenly, Faliqh pointed at me and said. "I Hate you Yunling!" I was like "WHAT? What did I do?" then he said "You got an A!" I've got an A?! WOO HOO! WOOTS~ OH YEAH! *you can imagine a mad man jumping around in the class* HAHAHAHAHAHA! I DAMN HAPPY WEH! Then i went home and check my paper. i OOOHH-ed and AAHHH-ed. Then i saw 1 question which i changed the answer in the question paperbut not in the answer sheet. I was so lucky that i didn't changed the answer weh! if I had changed the answer, i would only got 73 for my sejarah! hahahahahahaha!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

i just don't get it

I just don't get it! i tried. i really tried. But i still can't sleep! neither can I wake up too. when im lying down on the bed, i can't seem to close my eyes. when im lying down on the table in school, i can't seem to open my eyes. What THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME? I just don't get it! i tried. i really tried. But i still can't score in maths! I study and did practices day and night. but i still get an D for maths! what THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


有誰可以介紹一下好吃但有簡單做的一些 Dish? 因爲我最近真的很 SIEN! ,所以有誰可以介紹一下嗎? 一些簡單的食譜,讓我研究研究一下。。。 不然我真的會餓死的!
每一天都吃隔夜飯!OMG! 我受夠了!
NO MORE 隔夜飯!I swear! 就介紹一下嗎~ 不要醬吝嗇,OK?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Walau a! only the 4th day of my holidays and i'm feeling bored ready... everyday i'm just doing the same old thing! Wake up, eat, play PS, eat, Play PS, eat, play PS, Play comp, eat, sleep.... then i'll do the same thing all over again and again. SIEN!!!! BORING!!!! Can i do something NEW ?!

Monday, June 7, 2010


今天是假期的第三天,我就覺得無聊了。 真的!我真的沒事做咧! 及一直在那邊玩 PS, 玩到都閑了。。。 所以呢,我就進去了廚房去玩一玩, 煮我的午餐,可是,誰知道,醬油一下子倒太多, 我的寶貝炒飯就變成這樣了。 =="

Sunday, June 6, 2010


什麽是愛情裏最痛苦的東西? 失望?分手?吵架?冷眼相看? 不對。愛情還有比這些還要痛苦的事。 那就是遺憾後悔 我後悔沒什麽沒保留著你。 我後悔爲什麽沒好好珍惜你。 我後悔爲什麽沒有全心全力去愛你。 我後悔。我遺憾。 我知道這一切都太遲了。 你已經走了離開了。消失了。 你不會再回來了。 我痛苦得流下了一滴眼淚 我痛苦的刮下這個愛情終點 我痛苦的接受你的離開。 我會後悔一輩子的。我真的會後悔一輩子的。 對不起。

Friday, June 4, 2010


WOW! FINALLY! The holidays are here! I've been waiting for this moment for 2 weeks already! WOOHOO! yeeaahhh babe! 爽! the maths paper i had today was very difficult... and the time was not enough to do finish that paper....... BUT, WHO CARES?! I Don't care, cause the HOLIDAYS are here!!! and i'm already having the HOLIDAY FEVER!!! YEAH BABE!!! WOOTS~ WOOTS~ hahahahaha~~~ (sot le~)

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Imagine this. I can't see my blog because it's blocked. I can only post posts through the dashboard. I haven't even had a glimpse of my blog. Haha. Imagine how somebody can maintain a blog without looking at their blog. ME. I'm haven't even had a glimpse of my blog. T^T I was blocked! What the hell?! T^T


二零一零年(幾)月(幾)日     好熱哦 我終于下定決心做了一個會讓全世界看到我在做什麽的部落格勒。 我也不知道我發什麽神經,就突然來做這個部落格。 我還真奇怪咧~ 呵呵。。。 算了。。就把這裡當作是個讓我發洩的地方吧 (雖然我已經有了一個可以讓發洩一下的地方了) 哎呀隨便啦!!反正我假期沒事做,這裡就讓解悶解悶一下吧! (這個網站應該會恨我吧,竟然把這裡當作是個讓我發洩的地方。。 呵呵呵。。)